Wednesday, August 31, 2011


We already talked about how can you love yourself in the previous post. Now going ahead I would like to share how to accept your self the way you are.

Buddha said "You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection".

 In this post I want to elaborate and tell you an interesting allegory I recently read.

One man was so troubled by the look of his shadow and felt so detested by his footprints and steps, that he decided to get rid of them. He decided to run away from them. He stood up on his feet and started running, But every time he laid another step on the ground, another step was created, and his shadow caught up with him without any trouble.

He decided that the shadow caught him because he didn’t run fast enough. He hasten his steps, and ran faster and faster, without stopping, until eventually he dropped down and died.

He didn’t understand that if he would just stand under the shadow of a tree, His shadow would disappear, and if he just sat quietly ,then there wont be more steps.

Most of us act a lot like this man. we try to run away from our shadows.

The shadow in this allegory is anything you don’t like about yourself, may it be your anger, grief, fear, greed or even physical attributes like your nose. When you’re alive you cast a shadow there is no other option. However the shadow isn’t real, It can't live on it’s own, it’s there because some of the sun beams that hit you are blocked and can’t pass through.

People create the confusion by creating an ideal. They are trying to reach an ideal and because of it they condemn themselves for not being the way they “should”. When you compare yourself to your someone you feel like something is missing.

To love yourself means to accept yourself as you are and to come to terms with those aspects of yourself that you cannot change. It means to have self-respect,  a positive self-image, and unconditional self-acceptance.

In order to appreciate yourself it is up to you to discover what makes you unique and to further develop those talents. We have a responsibility to ourselves to do so.

You cannot sit around and wait for approval from others. Work on accepting yourself. You are the only "you" that you have. It is in your best interests to be the best you can be.

How do you love yourself?

You do so by investing in and working on your personal growth and development. You work on being the best you. You understand that you are human, but you acknowledge that you have the potential and spiritual capability to rise above whatever conditions and obstacles are put in your path.

When you love yourself you endeavor to take care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. You take care to look and feel your best by nurturing your body, mind and spirit.

Conversely, if you don't love yourself enough, start taking care of your body, mind, and spirit. You will not only become more self-aware, you will generate feelings of worth and accomplishment. 

Your Body

You take care of your body by eating well, exercising and getting plenty of rest. There are many wonderful books available that can help you learn what types of food and exercise are good for you and your particular body type. 

Your Mind

Your mind needs nourishment and exercise too. Don't take it for granted. Stimulate it by learning about new and interesting things. Keeping your mind active helps prevent certain old age diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia. Keeping the neural connections of your mind active helps maintain memory and brain functions at optimum levels.

I can say this because I have gone through almost the same phase in my life, where I sleep for only 4 hours a day which may seem sufficient but has made my memory go weak a bit in remembering things nicely.

Your Spirit

If you take care of your mind and body but neglect your spirit, you will lack balance and feel that something is missing in your life. Taking care of your spirit rejuvenates you, and helps you deal with the daily stresses and challenges of everyday life.

 When you love yourself, you invest in your personal growth and development. You endeavor to be the best that you can be, and you strive to achieve your potential.

If you fight something you’re making it important. You’re focusing on it and it effects you. If you fight with the thoughts you have to use arguments. you’re trying to convince your mind. Just let go. When you clean your room there is no argument, You’re not saying to the room now I will clean you because you’re messy. You simply do it because it’s messy.

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